Trailblaze a Different Path for Your Life


Hey there..

Here’s something you know...... since….. well you’re a parent….. parent’s have sex.

Parents want pleasure in their bodies and in their life……..   They just don’t talk about it, so you don’t really know who is struggling in this area of life, and who is thriving, that makes it hard to turn to our friends for support and guidance in this area.

  As a parent these days it gets harder to find “me-time’ or “we time’ with your partner. 

In the midst of raising children parents get so busy giving their kids experience after experience, building and nurturing their little spirits, supporting their kids’ dreams.  Maybe it was your dream to get married, have kids, and build a life with someone…..

                                     But somewhere in the mix….

 The days all blend together and the older your kids get, you feel like you were no longer building a life with your partner, and you sometimes feel like an empty shell of the woman you once were…. 

                              Life is more like exchanging kids schedule via text, crawling into bed at the end of the night too exhausted to do anything to nurture your intimate relationship.

 Parenting these days has become synonymous with sacrifice, We’ve come to assume that the parents who spend all their time supporting their kids dreams is how it's supposed to be and we often do this at the expense of our ourselves and our relationships….. Not on purpose mind you….. It’s just life is so busy one day bleeds into the next.

 When was the last time you  and your partner connected?

                                AND I don't mean had sex because it's been so long and one of you feels guilty. I mean really connected, come back to those moments when life was quieter when you could feel the love between each other, the love and connection that lead to those kids in the first place? 

No matter the activity our kids are doing there is always a message about doing the little things consistently over a period of time that make you excel at that activity…..

 Well the same goes for relationships, whether to ourselves and our own bodies or connected with our partners.

 Lead by example.

 Connection is a skill that needs to be honed and practiced,

                           Auto-pilot never works for the long run of a relationship.  Nor does it lead to a fulfilling life either….. 

When will you take the time to learn some new practices for connection to yourself and then take the energy of the refreshed connection to yourself and breathe some life back into your relationship too! 

Don't wait for your next vacation or til the kids are grown to feel the connection to yourself and the love between your partner and you. 

     It only takes one of you to change the energy of a relationship.  One person deciding they are tired of being burnt out and exhausted all the time and are ready to start exploring ways to breathe more aliveness into their own body again.    

          Because when there is aliveness in your body, you also invite aliveness back into your partner’s body. 

   As a parent myself, I don’t always know what I want specifically….. 

                    What I do know is that having my own practice of connecting to myself, through a combination of Self-pleasure combined with meditation, breath work, focus on my own body, and the freedom to sound and express emotion to release tension….. 

       It keeps me alive and waiting for the next opportunity in my life to present itself……Thus having the energy reserves to go for it.

     The Ignited Soul Sessions is just that…. Three sessions to introduce you to what coaching can do for you, help you figure out what you want, and introduce you to foundational set of practices, that are simple, fun, and easy to incorporate into a busy schedule.

    I get it not everyone is looking for a big transformational change, especially people deep in the process of parenting…..commitment to full coaching package isn’t always what is needed, that’s why I like to start small.

     Because I start small, I don’t do the traditional ‘discovery call” like most coaches.  If I’m completely honest with you, a discovery call is mostly a sales call that to me feels like a one-night stand, the client tries to get the most out of the coach, and the coach tries to make the sale for a package.   

    I honestly believe the people drawn to my work know if they want it or not, and just have to figure out if the time commitment and the price work for them….. you can find out all the details of the Ignited Soul Sessions by CLICK HERE….


P.S. One of the tools i use in my work is using your Human Design Chart…. not going to lie… it looks overwhelming and confusing when one first sees their chart….. I use it, as it allows me to see where your deeper struggles and desires are coming from… which allows me to ask the right questions to uncover what needs to be uncovered…. it saves us both a lot of time going in circles talking trying to find the opening to that deeper layer….. just because I use it doesn’t mean you need to learn the system…. but some people like to learn the basics…. so if you are thinking of working with me…. start by getting your own free Human Design chart HERE. …. and if you want some help understanding a few things…. Grab my Pathfinders Guide to the basics of Human Design HERE


Are you ready to reclaim lost and hidden parts of yourself?

We have created a resource to help you get started. 

These 9 Mindset Hacks are our strategy to help you:
 •  Overcome,
 •  Rediscover, and
 •  Infuse more pleasure into the Motherhood Journey.

Are you ready?