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I am Cori.

My soul is both Warrior & Alchemist.

I am a solo parent, mother to four children - two boys and two girls. I have a passion for the human body and the complexity of it.

I am fascinated by movement and structure.

I have the desire to help people understand their body on every level. I have been working with the human body since 2009. As a Myofascial Release Massage Therapist, I help people learn to make friends with their body again, to HEAR and FEEL it speak to them in ways other than pain.

I am continuously learning and growing…. Exploring and experiencing when I feel the spark that guides me….

As a mother, what keeps us up at night is everything but sex, we are often to tired from other responsibilities…. What’s wild about this is that for me, I found out orgasm is probably the answer to most every issue I have!

After my own sexual awakening I never saw coming in 2014, as part of my next journey of being of service to the human body was to embark on a 600hr year long coaching certification in 2017 in the realm of Sex, Love, & Relationships…. Having the expanding experiences in those areas prior to my coaching certification, I desired the theory and the practical skills so I could find another way to could help other mothers navigate burnout, the less talked about struggles of the Motherhood Journey, Finding the fun, Igniting passion & desire with in, as they learn to Reclaim their sensual self over and over (cause that’s how it happens!)

Learn to engage and enjoy the body you are in NOW, not waiting for it to change before you find pleasure!

Burnout, exhaustion, body issues, low desire, no desire, stuck in your headm they are no place to unpack your bags and spend your life stuck in…. They are symptoms of a bigger issue….

Disconnection…. That place where your body and head are constantly in a battle…. And your heart is pulled all over the place until your numb.

In 2020 In my usual style I ran head first into The magic and wonder of The Human Design System…. AND while the world went into chaos I went deep down the rabbit hole of it all…. Understanding just how unique we all are….it is the piece of the puzzle that has taken the support and coaching I offer to a level beyond what I learned in my year long course…it allows me to see the blueprint of your soul energy, and the mechanical energetic way you move through the world….it’s a blueprint and map of you…. You don’t need to learn that system unless you want to…. The benefit in me knowing it, is it guarantees you won’t get a one size fits all approach…. Everything is specific to your energetic self…. So you thrive being the you, you always knew were before the world got a hold of you and conditioned us to its madness!

You will be guided and supported to reignite the spark of life back up…..connecting you so your head and body stop fighting one another….. which ultimately leads you to reconnect and turn up the passion with your partner if it as gone missing.

As a Myofascial Release Massage Therapist, my foundational training and career has been built on understanding the systems of the body and empathizing with the physical pains of stress. I can offer insight into the body, have the experience and have knowledge to back it up.

I am trailblazing a path to a different route for people, so that my Alchemist can transmute energy to heal & integrate the disconnection of the head and body…. Which in-turn actually liberates the mind and spirits!!

Cori Watson Sexual Alchemist for Mothers

I am here to work with you and the less talked about struggles we all sometimes face.

Are you in a place of:

  • low desire to no desire

  • burnout

  • exhaustion

  • being stuck in your head

  • struggling with poor body image and overwhelm

  • Physical pain from ‘stress’

  • Anxiety keeps you feeling trapped

Sound familiar? You’re in the right place…. especially if you desire to get to a place of….

  • Ignited desire & passion within

  • Freedom to be all of you

  • More relaxed state of being

  • A connected relationship with your partner

Snag your free copy of 9 Mind Hacks for your journey!



stepping onto the path of boldness it was discovered the entrance to The Ignited Path of Radiant Love and freedom. 

As I feel this path out and continue to grow in the ever evolving Ignited Path I am always allowing the organic direction reveal itself to me so that I can be of service to the people that will let me guide them as they walk along it….

At the forefront of physical, emotional and mental FREEDOM that leads to health and wellness on all levels.


To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue
— Buddah

Our Mission

Integrating together heart knowledge & logic (mental) information into a language of truth and transformation. Serving others to be able to adapt to the ups and downs of life and balance one’s needs in order to thrive.

What do you need to figure out? What are you trying to understand?

There is always another way to find the freedom within.


with Cori

At the Ignited Path, we are all about connection, and we look forward to connecting with you. 

Cori Watson Mothers and Sex Coach
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