Permission to Breathe

Give yourself permission to take time to BREATHE!!

Do you want me to share with you a resource that can be used multiple ways.

        In sex and in life I often talk about letting go, and I realllllllly emphasize the exhale.... Because when you consciously exhale it is a signal from your mind to your body that it is safe to let go.... of tension, of anxiety..... Of all that damn energy recirculating in your head!!


However, the reason you so often need to consciously exhale is because, more often than not you have a really shallow inhale, meaning only using the top part of your lungs.... why you ask.... because so much of modern day living for a mother has you living in your head, schedules for kids, work, meals, shopping lists.... and on and on!


But today I’m talking about the other side of the exhale too..... The inhale...... I don’t know about you, but as a mother, my energy is constantly like an exhale.... giving out, giving out, giving out..... So if your anything like me you sometimes you need all the reminders you can…. to inhale, stop for a moment and breathe in some fresh oxygen...... because.....


The inhale is absolutely necessary and vital if you want to continue to exhale!!!


So yes a Connected Breath Practice is a game changer of a tool... a really short practical action step I do almost daily.

         As a solo parent of four I completely understand when you say you’re busy! I’m busy, we’re all kinda busy.....

                So when is there actually time to connect back to ourselves??


ANNND what makes it different than just breathing alone.... for one there is no pause on the inhale and the exhale..... And two, to engage the sacral center and tap into Sexual Alchemy of it means you don’t just breathe into your belly...... you set the intention to pull your breathe all the way down into your pussy, to your perineum, and to your anus..... That way you don’t cut the energy of the inhale off at the waist and you receive all the energy from your sexual. life giving centers!!!

       I won’t tell you to do it because I hate being told what to do I’ll just invite you to give it a try.

  I’ve been a chronic breath holder since I was a baby..... So conscious breathing..... It’s as much a reminder for me as it is advice for my clients.

   I learned to do it in snippets first, to build a foundation of taking time for myself and to feel the effects in my own body.  I wanted to share it with you today, because it’s not always a physical exhaustion with kids, but for sure at most times it becomes a mental exhaustion...  And that mental exhaustion can seep into all the other facets of our life, if we don't tend to it. 

               This method works great for calming your mind and connecting you back to your body...... an essential to ignite more pleasure in your life.

     I definitely found it a little tricky when I first started to learn it, so don’t feel like you need to have it mastered anytime out of the gates! Truth be told I actually resisted it, because it felt awkward..... But then I realized.... wait a second..... This naturally happens when I’m having sex, and orgasms and relaxation follow that.....

           Sooooo naturally because I like to follow the path of pleasure,  I got a lot more curious about working on my breath work..... And wouldn’t you know... practice in the everyday situations also surprisingly lead too..... That’s right.... orgasms that showed up waaaay faster and stronger than before I made a conscious effort to incorporate stopping throughout the day for short bursts of connected breathing!! 

 Try it today…let me know how it goes…. or if if you have questions reach out…. ask a question…. Responding is my super power!




Are you ready to reclaim lost and hidden parts of yourself?

We have created a resource to help you get started. 

These 9 Mindset Hacks are our strategy to help you:
 •  Overcome,
 •  Rediscover, and
 •  Infuse more pleasure into the Motherhood Journey.

Are you ready?